Well Friends – 

The time has come that I am going to make a switch to a new blog name! When I started ‘The Little Red Horse’ blog, it was based on a lot of DIY projects. I have since had a baby and, well, quite frankly LIFE has really started to take over! {in the best way possible}

I am designing a new blog that will encompass more or my life as a whole – my family, my projects, my LIFE!

MY new blog address is http://www.lifebylindsay.com and will be under construction for the next week or so as I move everything over get everything all sorted out. Feel free to stop by and give me a hello – I am going to try my hand at self hosting, so it will be a bit different and a I will make sure to bring you along the journey!

Later gators!


{Shop with a Purpose!}

This weekend I participated in a GIRLS NIGHT OUT at the Bellevue Campus of our church, Champions Centre. It was such a fun time for ladies to come together around a great cause – helping OTHERS in this holiday season. We collected toiletries and pajama sets along with other basic needs that we all, quite frankly take for granted sometimes, and we put packages together for the kids at YouthCare and the women and children being cared for by The Genesis Project.


I also set up a booth with my Stella & Dot Stash, and decided to donate my commission from all sales that night to Champions Foundation.  Champions Foundation does so much for our community, both local and abroad and is very close to my heart. From making & serving meals to homeless youth once a month all the way to owning/operating a “Forever Home” for would be orphans in South Africa, the reach of Champions Foundation is unstoppable. However, everything that they do requires finances (obviously) and that is where you and I come in. The cool things about giving to Champions Foundation there is no overhead and 100% of the profit goes right back into reaching and making a difference in people’s lives. That is what I call Good Soil.

I raised $70.00 Friday night, which is great, but I want to GIVE MORE. So I am going to open this up for the rest of the week, until this Friday December 7th, if you make a purchase through THIS LINK, I will donate my commission to Champions Foundation. My first goal is a $150.00 donation, but if I could even double THAT it would be awesome! There are so many great options for Christmas gifts, and if you order this week, you will still have time to get your gifts by Christmas!

I am going to give you a few examples of my favorites for gifts (from left to right):

Earrings: Serenity Small stone drops in Gold, Signature Clover Chandelier, Rhea Hoops, Vintage Studs SHOP HERE

IMG_2555Statement Bracelets: Renegade Cluster in Gold, Odette Cuff, Secret Garden Cuff, Studded Trifecta wrap SHOP HERE

IMG_2552My favorite necklaces: Rebel Pendant, La Folie (Green), Avery Chain & Pearl, Contessa Jade SHOP HEREIMG_2553GREAT GIFTS: Love Bracelet ($19), Tribute Bracelet ($36), Hope Bracelet ($32), Elizabeth bracelet ($29) SHOP HEREIMG_2550

Stella & Dot is excellent quality, lead & nickel free (great for sensitive skin), always 5.95 for shipping, and they have the Delight guarantee which means if you don’t like it, return it for something you DO LIKE.

So go to this website here and do some Christmas shopping, birthday shopping or just get something for yourself – and know full well that you are doing something GOOD in the mean time! Lets BLASt past my fundraising goal (and get pretty in the meantime!)

Thank you all in advance for your participation! YOU are helping making a difference!

{My pick for “The Circle” this week}

Ok – this week it was MY turn to pick the song for “The Circle” – if you don’t have a CLUE what I am talking about – go HERE. 🙂

I am choosing the song “I’ll be Home for Christmas” – by basically every single artist ever  (you pick a version)

I HAD TO choose a Christmas song – we only have a few weeks a year to be able to do that! Can’t wait to see what the girlies have to say about it!

Have a great week ladies!

{The Circle – How Country Feels}

This week the song chosen was ‘How Country Feels’ by Randy Houser.

The first few lines about how the girl in the song grew up in a concrete jungle got me thinking about how I really want Zane to grow up not just experiencing one “side” of life. I don’t want her to just be a city girl, too good for outdoors and “how country feels”. Does that make sense? I grew up in the midwest (MN) and my mom raised us to love dressing up just as much as we loved exploring the pond in our back yard, coming home covered in mud.

DSC_0195I am like that to this day – I love dressing up in heels and sparkles and going out JUST AS MUCH as I love to hike up on Mt. Rainer and get some dirt under my nails…. and I cant wait to do it all with her.

Make sure to check out to Maggie at ‘Emmy In Charge‘ to complete {The Circle}!

Oh, and I get to pick the song this week!!! EEEEk! Which song SHALL I choose – hard decision. I will let you know Sunday night!

{Melted Ice Cream and Marc Jacobs}

So have you ever run to the grocery store to pick up an item and been lured by your favorite ice cream on the end cap. Then you forgot something you needed at target, so you figure you will just run in really quick and grab your item so the ice cream will be fine, it is winter after all so it will be cold enough for 5 minutes. THEN you forgot that the Target/Neiman Marcus collab is released today and there is a Rose Gold leather pouch and a beautiful black scarf by your all time favorite designer, so you spend 30 or so minutes looking through everything, then painfully pulling yourself away to get your purchase and get home only to get to the car and THEN REMEMBER that you bought ice cream almost an hour ago. Ooops.


I am obsessed with Rose Gold currently, so this is basically my two obsessions colliding.

Off to my Christmas list it goes. 🙂

{PhotoBooths, Beards & baby presents}

I did something I have never done before! I created TWO photo booths for two different clients in TWO different states!


I am SO looking forward to seeing some pictures taken with these two backdrops – they were so fun to make!

Last night they had the booth at 252 Youth (our youth ministry at church) and since my friend Tyson also did comedy we had beards are booth to take pictures with in honor of Tyson.


I can wait to see the actual pictures!!!

You should follow Tyson on Instagram – he is one of the most funny guys I know – also has a heart the size of Texas.

It seems like I always have a project sitting and waiting to be done – this weekend I will start to make something for my friend Corianne from Band of Burton’s for her nursery! Her little guy is just weeks away from being born, so I have to get moving!!
(I will share pictures when I am done – I don’t want to ruin the surprise on here!!)

BTW – it is almost December!!! Can you believe it!! So looking forward to everything that the Christmas season brings!!! Zane is almost a year and a half this year so she has really gotten into celebrating – it has been so fun looking at lights and playing with all the decorations with her! I can’t wait to see her open a present this year!!!! And she is going to LOVE the candlelight service at church on Christmas Eve, one if the most important things we do during the holidays! Looking forward to starting to creating new traditions this year, and enjoying all the old ones too!

{Scenes from the Weekend}

Thanksgiving was awesome – but I seriously took NO pictures. So this is all you get – a place setting.

Completed a Photo Booth and mailed it to Virginia. This is the first project I have done and then shipped. I learned a lot in the process. I cant wait to see the finished product! Also very thankful for  new friendship! I will tell you all about that when I get some pictures!

Black Friday for us consisted of being lazy around the house, eating leftovers, and then heading to Seattle for the Tree Lighting & some dinner with family. Zane loved loved loved being outside and running around the closed streets, even though it was cold and rainy.

Zane also helped Mimi set up Christmas around the house…

All in all it was a great weekend! Hope you got to celebrate with family and friends! Happy Thanksgiving – now it is time to start thinking about Christmas!!!! YIKES!

{Black Friday}

This is what Black Friday looks like to me…


Left overs!!!!!! One of my favorite things about Thanksgiving!!! YUM!!!


I have seen a lot of comments on Facebook or on blogs saying “Wow – you are really a SUPERMOM” or “HOW do you do it all” and it has had me thinking lately…

The way I look at it – if you are a mom, you ARE a supermom. The days that I get Zane up, get her dressed and either cook or clean or complete a project, those are usually the days that Zane didn’t wake up five times the night before. And trust me – if you could see my hair today, you know KNOW that last night wasn’t one of those nights.

We do this to ourselves all the time – we look at everyone else’s highlight reel, and compare it to our outtakes/behind the scenes. And things like social media and PINTEREST make it that much easier for us to do this. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE social media and how connected it can make us, but was I am talking about when we get into comparing. I have such admiration for moms in general. I have an appreciation for moms that I feel you only can have once you BECOME a mom. Lets face it – being a mom is one of the MOST rewarding things in life. But it is also CONSTANT hard work. Sometimes we hit the nail right on  the head – everyone had a nutritious dinner, had matching clothes that fit and went to sleep without a hitch. And then then there are the times that we are throwing french fries to the back seat hoping the kids get a few as you race to get to somewhere, only to realize your child only has one shoe on, and the shirt they put on is two sizes too small.

I say all of this to say – Take a breath, grab that Grande Latte {or maybe a Venti!} and face each day knowing that you are going to do YOUR BEST – it isn’t always perfect, it isn’t always pretty but who said that being a mom would be! Give yourself some grace, say a prayer and know that you are a SUPERMOM!!

{You are mailing what???….Where?}

Well folks – I had a JAM PACKED but very fun weekend! I participated in my first ever Holiday Bazaar! My Friend Katie put the whole time together and hosted it at her house (which is HUGE!) and I got to meet GREAT new people and have a lot of fun selling stuff that I created – how BOMB is that!** A special thank you to my sister Bekah for hanging out with me and bringing me Jimmy Johns to eat. You are the best.

I also started a project that is to be completed by THIS WEDNESDAY. Yes – THIS WEDNESDAY. It is a crazy long shot of a project that I am doing for a new friend. I am taking an existing PhotoBooth that I made, tearing it apart, SPRAY PAINTING/GLITTERING and putting back together – and SHIPPING it to Virginia for a very special girls camp for underprivileged youth. Here is a sneak peek:**Only one pin wheel was harmed in the tearing apart of this PhotoBooth 😉

I have never shipped anything of this size before, and this project has been a bit of a faith walk for me just to get it done in the amount of time I have and have it turn out the way I want it to and have the client happy – AH! But Alas, The message this weekend at church – “In God we Trust” was a good one for me. Putting my trust in Him this week!

Hope you had a great weekend – It is THANKSGIVING WEEK!!! We have been menu planning with the family for about a week – getting excited to spend some time with family!